19 November 2017

The winning perspective VS the whining perspective

It's no secret that perspective counts for a lot. Virtually everything is defined by the way you perceive it.

15 November 2017

”Decide, Commit, Succeed”: MDRT Day in Thessaloniki

The MDRT Membership Communication Committee of Greece 2017-2018 organizes the "MDRT Day in Thessaloniki", a workshop with presentations by distinguished MDRT colleagues from Greece, Cyprus and abroad.

6 November 2017

MDRT Gives Day 2017: ”Your membership, your chance”

MDRT Gives Day is an online, one-day fundraising event that unites the MDRT community to "Give Back" on November 8. The investments from the MDRT community will directly benefit the global grant programs that are essential in funding a diverse range of charitable programs around the globe.

  • Sanjay Tolani, Ph.D., MBA
    MDRT is a knowledge bank of financial service professionals. The biggest resource is the membership itself; interacting with MDRT members will change your mindset of how the financial profession is growing.
    Sanjay Tolani, Ph.D., MBA
  • Tony Gordon
    Those who have the courage to set daily goals will always be more successful than those who don’t.
    Tony Gordon
  • Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC
    Don’t try to do it all. Be very strategic in your actions.
    Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC
  • Ross Vanderwolf, CFP
    You can’t do everything yourself. Sharing responsibility will help you learn something and improve
    Ross Vanderwolf, CFP
  • Brian Heckert, CLU, ChFC
    The title does not make you a leader. Being a leader makes you a leader. A leader leads always.
    Brian Heckert, CLU, ChFC
  • Krish Dhanam
    Selling is not what you do to someone; it’s what you do for someone.
    Krish Dhanam