3 March 2016

Athens MDRT Workshop 2016: Η σημασία της εκπαίδευσης στην επαγγελματική εξέλιξη

Τη σημασία της εκπαίδευσης και της κατάρτισης στον ασφαλιστικό κλάδο ανέλυσαν οι ομιλητές του Athens MDRT Workshop, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 23.02.2016 στο Domotel Kastri Hotel. Τη συνάντηση παρακολούθησαν 100 σύνεδροι που ήταν MDRT members, Aspirants και προσκεκλημένοι.

25 March 2015

2015 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 14 to 17, 2015

Registration is now open to approved 2015 MDRT members!

Join in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 14 to 17, 2015.

The same great experience with a new format focused on giving you innovative sessions and a place to meet, share ideas, learn and network at your own pace.

More Questions?
Contact the MDRT Meeting Services department at

Source: MDRT (

1 June 2014


Staying in balance day after day

For some people, achieving a good work-life balance seems to come naturally. Yet, many of us constantly struggle to manage priorities in our professional and personal lives.

As a successful financial services professional, are you leading the fulfilling and enriching life that you want? Or, do you recognize there are areas you may be neglecting or could improve?

  • Sanjay Tolani, Ph.D., MBA
    MDRT is a knowledge bank of financial service professionals. The biggest resource is the membership itself; interacting with MDRT members will change your mindset of how the financial profession is growing.
    Sanjay Tolani, Ph.D., MBA
  • Tony Gordon
    Those who have the courage to set daily goals will always be more successful than those who don’t.
    Tony Gordon
  • Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC
    Don’t try to do it all. Be very strategic in your actions.
    Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC
  • Ross Vanderwolf, CFP
    You can’t do everything yourself. Sharing responsibility will help you learn something and improve
    Ross Vanderwolf, CFP
  • Brian Heckert, CLU, ChFC
    The title does not make you a leader. Being a leader makes you a leader. A leader leads always.
    Brian Heckert, CLU, ChFC
  • Krish Dhanam
    Selling is not what you do to someone; it’s what you do for someone.
    Krish Dhanam